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Wellness Is Not A Nice-To-Have, It’s A Must-Have

April 3, 2019 | By: Allison Ames, President & CEO, Beanstalk

As political and social upheaval take place at alarming rates around the world today, one thing is indisputable – these are uncertain times. It’s no accident that with all of the turmoil and resulting stress we face, the importance of resilience and self-empowered wellness has become a meaningful trend across all ages, as consumers focus on what they can control. Interestingly, consumers are driving this trend for self-care on their own by seeking proactive health and wellness offerings that satisfy their individual needs. We are empowered consumers, and healthy activities have become an integral part of our consciousness. And as a result, brands are stepping up their game to satisfy consumers’ wellness aspirations. Self-care solutions are manifesting themselves big time from food to fitness to travel to living. So embrace (if you haven’t already) the wellness trends that will lift your spirits, nourish your mind and empower the “healthinista” in you.


We are what we eat – choose wisely and be on the lookout for mesonutrients.

We have certainly become more conscious about the foods we consume to better manage our health. Superfoods such as kale, berries, turmeric, avocado, ginger and salmon, contain important nutrients that may link to metabolism control, weight management, improved energy, immunity and overall wellness. Stay tuned for mesonutrients (that make superfoods so super) delivered through powdered or capsule concentrates.


A double entendre, if you ask me.

The Smart Wellness market encompasses smart devices that can track the health of an individual using a variety of consumer electronics and technology. According to a 2019 Market Research Future report, the global Smart Wellness market may reach $520 billion by 2023, at an impressive CAGR of 24.46% from 2017 to 2023. Driving this growth is the rising popularity of both fitness and activity tracking apps and mobile devices that track our steps, work outs, sleep, heart rate and stress in an effort to keep us healthy.

Meanwhile, given the challenges of carving out time to get to the gym, home fitnesscontinues to grow, with options like Peloton and FIIT TV. And smart wellness takes on a whole new meaning with apps that help train your brain to optimize physical, mental and overall performance. Check out Lucid, Head Trainer, Calm and Headspace to unlock the greatness you never knew you had.


Who am I and where am I going?

Not only can we track our exercise and wellness, but self-care has moved toward a deeper understanding of our genetic make-up. At-home genetic testing kits, such as 23andMe, can tell you what your DNA says about your health. They can assess your genetic risk for certain diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer and celiac, to help us be more proactive and make earlier health decisions.


It’s about time.

Alternative therapies proven to have real medical benefits, like acupuncture and breathing meditation, are going mainstream and becoming more affordable. Recently open in New York City, is WTHN (pronounced “within”), an acupuncture studio with set prices for treatments for fatigue, immunity, pain and women’s health.

And anger rooms, like Beijing’s Smash and Manhattan’s Rage Cage, are opening as an alternative means to help people channel stress or emotions in safe, open settings. Customers can have rage sessions and break a myriad of items including china, electronics and other smashable things.


We are putting our phones down to see the world and talk to people.

Digital detox and the craving of simpler times is a cultural tension that’s shifting our behaviors in the pursuit of a more balanced life. FOMO, the Fear of Missing Out, is being replaced by JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out. More and more people are seeking to disconnect, and some are doing so through experiential travel that prioritizes health, wellness and self-improvement. Trip Advisor’s 2019 Experiences Trends Report says global travel bookings for wellness experiences rose 82% from 2017 to 2018 in the US alone.


CBD and Hemp (and in the future THC) unlock a healthier world.

This trend piece wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging the impact that cannabis, CBD and hemp are making across products from food to beauty to overall health. The ‘good for you’ aspect of CBD (the non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in cannabis and hemp plants) and hemp (now legal in the US) promises relief for anxiety, PTSD, depression and pain, among other ailments. Consumer education will be critical to understand the benefits and differences between CBD, hemp products and THC. Expect to see brands that enter this space provide consumers with visibility, clean labeling and trust in their cannabis products.

Net, net: self-care is here to stay. There will be more and more opportunities for consumers to pursue wellness solutions that satisfy their needs. I feel better already knowing that there are so many choices to help us live a more balanced and healthy life!

Allison Ames is President and Chief Executive Officer of brand extension licensing agency Beanstalk.