Beanstalk - A Global Brand Extension Licensing Agency

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From Michael Stone, The Power of Licensing: Harnessing Brand Equity

November 14, 2018 - There are many new paths for delivering a brand message to consumers, engaging and connecting with them, and motivating them to make a purchase.  Brand owners are experimenting, and often struggling, to determine the best paths for their particular brand.  Brand messaging today is a stew of consumer experiences and reaching consumers where, when and how they shop has created a “shopping battlefield”.

Brand licensing fits perfectly into this new messaging, communications and retail landscape.  Licensing provides a vehicle for brand owners to achieve their communication goals and engage with consumers.  It should be viewed in the context of all of the varying ways that brand owners can now communicate their brand message and brand promise to consumers. Considering it in this manner reveals how important licensing can be as a tool to engage the consumer: create, redefine or strengthen brand connection; and navigate the consumer’s connected shopping journey.

That’s the overriding premise of The Power of Licensing:  Harnessing Brand Equity, by Michael Stone, Chairman/Co-Founder of Beanstalk.  Following is the introduction to Chapter 4, “A Strategy, Not a Tactic”. For the full chapter and Table of Contents,click here.

The Power of Licensing: Harnessing Brand Equity is available on Amazon and